the paradox of timely yet timeless.

My name is Sayan and I'm a multidisciplinary designer, focused on the intersections of simplicity and negative space in the digital realm.

Let the work speak for itself.

Earnest about
this infinite, technologically advanced canvas.

Thriving in fast-paced environments, I push my creativity to it's bounds. By championing consistency, I produce detail oriented, pixel-perfect results.

I can prove it.

Instinctively conscientious and incredibly curious,

I understand others by listening keenly and empathetically.

This mindset has fostered a courageous spirit, seeking self-improvement through strong self-awareness.

Learn about my skillset.

He is a dynamic leader who thrives on change.

Assistant Vice President, Student & Campus Life at Cornell University

Sayan's energy and dedication to anything he sets her heart on is most inspiring, and even more importantly her strong moral character will be an asset to any organization.

- Jenny Loefflman

He always goes above and beyond the requirements.

Senior Director of Product - Global Sustainability, ENGIE Impact

Sayan brought the best of her curiosity, creativity, commitment and her enthusiasm to the mission... He dug deep into understanding the customer and business challenges that we were looking to solve.

- Varun Gowda

He has a great design aesthetic.

Project Manager at D-Ford, Ford Motor Company

Sayan was resourceful and always ready to brainstorm and tackle a problem. He produced wonderful visuals and would be a great addition to any team.

- Matt Bariletti

He quickly created a feeling of trust.

Co-Founder & COO, Picabo Street Academy

Sayan quickly grasped the essence of our business model and showed great creativity and perceptiveness... Her strong communication skills ensured that the project was completed in a timely fashion to everyone’s satisfaction.

- Michelle Demschar

He met challenges with grace and humility.

Partner and Executive Recruiter at Gillman Partners

Sayan has the uncanny ability to connect with everyone around her… he was as good “one-on-one” with a member as he was in front of the entire group… was often referred to as a “leader’s leader.”

- Julie George
More about me.

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